Faisal Arfeen is an undergrad student from JIS College of Engineering who is currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering. He has recently Founded a company called Healthions which is a Social Enterprise with an ambition to deliver Health Care Solutions for all. It aims at solving India’s most challenging problems of providing healthcare to Indian people especially living in Tier-II, Tier-III cities at a very affordable cost. And why not? He always possesses those qualities of being an entrepreneur. And when asked about entrepreneurship, he has something to share with us: Everyone wants to be a story. Who doesn’t is, perhaps, unknowingly a part of someone else’s story. When you’re starting up, its’ not about money, but creating values that can change the world.

Entrepreneurship is a journey inspired by adversaries, opportunities and scarcity of resources to make tools that touch the hearts of people.

Entrepreneurs are no less than artists who amalgamate Art & Technology to create stories that push the human race forward. Stories, in which you find your own reflection. Stories, which people love. its’ about creating solutions to persisting problems rather than following a “make & sell” philosophy. Entrepreneurship always starts from the basics. The very basic is how to spell it! Aspiring to be an Entrepreneur and doesn’t know how to spell it isn’t going to affect your business directly. But it clearly illustrates that you’re not concerned about every significant detail. You need to be a visionary person. In this global era, focusing only on Superficial factors may harm your venture in the long run. Although the chances of success are less than 1%, still you should never refrain from experimenting at every situation. In business, you can never take things for granted. Fail often, fail cheap. Pivot the business model whenever necessary. Innovation is always a dynamic process and will perhaps be the key differentiator that will demarcate the winners and the also-rans.

No substitute for Homework

Modern day student entrepreneurs should be well accustomed to recent market advancements. In order to develop a valuable offering, comprehensive understanding of the operating conditions is essential. Having hands-on experience with a few open source software, graphic design platforms, and MS Office gives an edge. Any case-studies or market research surveys should be taken into account while forming a business plan. Students must develop the habit of collecting market data points. Remember,

Innovation is not invention. It’s the conversion of a new idea into consumer delight and, ultimately, into revenues and profits.

If an idea or technology cannot be successfully commercialized, it’s not an innovation.

Creativity is the Mother of Innovation

Creativity helps in seeking opportunity in adversity. In an emerging economy like India, it’s better not to copy the Silicon Valley model. The structured innovative engine is capital intensive. We need to innovate frugally by applying “jugaad” to develop human-centric technologies that are ingenious but simple, and enhances lives throughout the society.

Design & Simplicity

No matter how complex the product is, the user interface should exhibit simplicity. The same applies to marketing. Elimination of every unnecessary detail is a must. Companies should zero in on consumers’ most acute need and build a solution around that need before all others.

A great design is not only what it looks like or feels, but how it works.

The integration of advanced technology, sustainability, and consumer friendly design gives rise to a superior product. Consumers nowadays value aesthetics as much as functions in the products they buy – as demonstrated by the huge success of the well-designed Mi products. It establishes an emotional bond with the products they buy – even if it’s an ordinary household item or office product. It’s quite simple to understand, the commitment to do the work is intense. Perseverance is the key to success and never try to forget that business is a game of stats, but in those stats lie a core value which represents a higher ideal.